Tuesday, January 27, 2009

25% of a nurse.. going on 50%

So I'm finally finished with first semester of nursing school!!! On to the crazyness that is second semester.. yuck!

I am so pleased I chose to go to this school! It has been a great fit so far and I'm excited to see where it leads me this semester. Last semester, my clinical instructor told me that she was not sure I would make it, but that I had made the most improvement. :) I was super upset when I got Saturday (chronic) clinicals, but then I met some new people from my group and I'm so excited I get to know them better and experience clincals with them! Plus, all of my lovely group from last semester is there too! I'm excited for clinials this semester! Also, we have mental health clinicals which I'm rather excited about!

So Winter break came and went. I had such a great time! New Year's with Adeeb and the girls was the best! Christmas with my family was wonderful as always! And work was... well only those of us lucky enough to work at FCCU would know. :)

I do miss time at home already. The week I left, my grandmother was diagnosed with Stage 4 Lung Cancer. I don't say that to ask for sympathy, I just want to get it off my chest. I feel terribly guilty for not being super upset or even crying when I found out. Of course, I was sad because she's my grandma, but she lives out of state and it's kind of out of sight out of mind thing for me. She has set her "goal" to live to my graduation. I really hope some miracle happends and she will be able to attend.

Well that is my little update. Hopefully I'll have more soon.

- Jessie


Katie said...

I'm so glad we have clinicals together. Psych is going to be interesting. :) Let's hope for no more inappropriate touching...I was TOTALLY not expecting that!

See you Friday! Happy Studying for Chronic!!